Group Registration

Group Registration Form

To register for a group of attendees, please follow the below steps to complete the registration process.


Download and provide each person's information in the Group Registration Form file below, including:

  • Full name
  • Title
  • Gender
  • Working place
  • Nation
  • Address
  • Email
  • Attendee Object (Delegate / Chair / Speaker / Sponsor's staff)
  • Passport Number (Non-Vietnamese passport holder only)
  • Attend Student Night on 13th July, 2023
  • Extra note (if application)

Step 2:

Send the completed form to the Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy 2023 (ACCP2023)'s email address at for further instructions about the group registration process.

Step 3: 

An Online Invoice will be generated based on the final supplied details about group members' workshops and conference-related activities preferences. Please complete the payment process for your group through the Online Invoice link.

Step 4: 

After the system receives the successful payment, an email confirming the successful registration for your group will be sent to your email.

Group Registration Form:

ACCP2023 - Group Registration Form.xlsx
