
- Step 1: Please register or log in to your account at the homepage. Or click HERE to login
- Step 2: At the profile page of your account, you can click on the submit icon  to submit your presentation online.

- Step 3: Choose  to post a new presentation. Or choose  to delete or edit the submitted post.

- Step 4: Fill in detailed information about the presentation and click  to save the information.

- Step 5: Follow up your submission's status:

Upload: Your post has been uploaded successfully

Reviewing: Scientific committee is reviewing your post

Accept: Your content is qualified to be presented at the conference

Reject: Your content is not qualified to be presented at the conference

Delegates can choose to submit papers for the session below:
Oral presentation: 
1. Plenary Session 1: Lessons Learned for Pharmacy Practice in Disaster Preparedness and Response
2. Plenary Session 2: Patient Care in Pharmacy Practice
3. Symposium 1: Education
4. Symposium 2: Clinical Practice
5. Symposium 3: Research
6. Oral Session 1: Education
7. Oral Session 2: Clinical Practice
8. Oral Session 3: Research
9. Symposium 4: Education
10. Symposium 5: Clinical Practice
11. Symposium 6: Research
12. Oral Session 4: Education
13. Oral Session 5: Clinical Practice
14. Oral Session 6: Research
15. Plenary Session 3: Advancing Patient Care in Pharmacy Education
16. Plenary Session 4:  Pharmaceutical Care in  Non-communicable Diseases
Electronic Poster Presentation: 
1. Clinical Practice
2. Education
3. Research 
